Making Changes But Remaining The Same
Our Editor-In-Chief, Daniel Elkin, is taking over Publishing duties at SOLRAD? What madness is this?
Our Editor-In-Chief, Daniel Elkin, is taking over Publishing duties at SOLRAD? What madness is this?
Announcing our latest book, MariNaomi's I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME, which is now available for preorder on Crowdfundr!
After dealing with a bunch of bullshit Instagram comics, Anna Sellheim is on the hunt for sincere depictions of female friendships in comics. What...
Today we are continuing our feature at SOLRAD titled "Knowing Is Half The Battle," where published cartoonists give advice on the publishing industry.
Today, SOLRAD's contributing editor Rob Clough reviews four separate works of autobio comics, including work by John Porcellino, Kevin Budnik, and...
As part of our kid-lit week, Rob Clough reviews MariNaomi's Distant Stars, the third book in her Life on Earth series from Lerner Books.
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