Wondering Wanderings, Wandering Cities: Walking Tale #1
Tânia A. Cardoso returns to SOLRAD Presents with another Wondering Wanderings, Wandering Cities, considering walking through an interesting part of...
Wondering Wanderings, Wandering Cities: Bicycles
Take a rest from the city chaos as summer ends and get lazy with Tânia A. Cardoso and her meditations on cities, Wondering Wanderings, Wandering...
Wondering Wanderings, Wandering Cities: Bicycles
In this month's Wondering Wanderings, Wandering Cities, Tânia A. Cardoso shows her growing appreciation of bikes now that she lives in The...
Wondering Wanderings, Wandering Cities: Layers
Tânia A. Cardoso takes us through the layers of Amsterdam in the latest of her explorations of urban spaces in comics on SOLRAD Presents!
Wondering Wanderings, Wandering Cities: The Ancestors – Part 2
Meet Athen's true urban wanderers, cats, in Tânia A. Cardoso's exploration of urban space, Wondering Wanderings, on SOLRAD Presents.
Wondering Wanderings, Wandering Cities: The Ancestors – Part 1
Tânia A. Cardoso returns to Athens to walk through times lived in past and present in Wondering Wanderings, Wandering Cities on SOLRAD Presents.
Wondering Wanderings, Wandering Cities: Beauty
Tânia A Cardoso shares her opinion on what makes cities beautiful in a new Wondering Wanderings, Wandering Cities on SOLRAD Presents.
Wondering Wanderings, Wandering Cities: A Tale of a City – Water
Tânia A. Cardoso considers how water and agriculture can move into the city in this Wondering Wanderings, Wandering Cities: A Tale of a (Sustainable)...
SOLRAD Comics: Gabriela Güllich Interviews Rutu Modan
Today, Gabriela Güllich brings us an illustrated interview with Rutu Modan about her work, including her latest book Tunnels!