SOLRAD Presents: COME WELL #15
A new year means new comics from Erik Nebel's enchanting COME WELL series, where they show us the process sketches that lead to their final abstract...
A new year means new comics from Erik Nebel's enchanting COME WELL series, where they show us the process sketches that lead to their final abstract...
Now that 2020 is over, let's take a moment to reflect on the best* comics we read in 2020, featuring a wide cast of SOLRAD contributors!
This week in MORE SEASONS OF GARY, Matt reminisces about a formal photograph he had with his dad and brother in the 1990s. As expected, it goes of...
This week is the finale of Pelican Bastards chapter 2, brought to you by Michael Aushenker and SOLRAD Presents. Will the cops be blown to bits?
The cops think they've located the PELICAN BASTARDS and their hideout. But have they really? Find out this week!
This week, Matt MacFarland shares a story about working at his dad's vet clinic, needle stick injuries and all!
In this week's Near Death Flying Turtle, our soaring reptilian friend is of two minds. NDFT is brought to you by Tom Lake and SOLRAD Presents!
Commodore Benlulou has a crazy idea for how to catch the PELICAN BASTARDS in this week's page from Michael Aushenker - enjoy!
Kricket has encountered a vampire in his family cave - vhat vill the future hold for our feline friend?
In this week's set of MEETING COMICS pages, we see one of the disadvantages of getting rid of plastic single-use straws.
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