SOLRAD Presents: Kitajima #8
Hop on the shuttle bus and head to the spa! It's Kitajima, Ian M's bilingual travel comic on SOLRAD Presents!
Hop on the shuttle bus and head to the spa! It's Kitajima, Ian M's bilingual travel comic on SOLRAD Presents!
Heading to Edinburgh, Karl C. Krumpholz explores while deliriously tired in another week of The Lighthouse in the City on SOLRAD Presents.
Come settle into your room in Ian M's Kitajima on SOLRAD Presents, it's got a futon and a TV with a coin slot!
As the leaves change, Karl C. Krumpholz travels to Seattle in this week's The Lighthouse in the City on SOLRAD Presents.
Get a tasty meal and check into your room at the guest house, it's Kitajima from Ian M and SOLRAD Presents!
Karl C. Krumpholz teaches us about lighthouses and mercury poisoning in this week's The Light in the City on SOLRAD Presents!
Is that Russia we can see in this week's Kitajima by Ian M on SOLRAD Presents? We not sure, and our Japanese isn't good enough to ask!
This week in Karl C. Krumpholz's The Lighthouse in the City on SOLRAD Presents sees a man look in the wrong places for love, someone who can't give...
Continue our journey in rural Japan, learn about some animals, and meet a local, in Ian M's Kitajima on SOLRAD Presents!
Karl experiences saudade as he thinks about his grandfathers, meanwhile Oola prepares to kill on Halloween in this week's The Lighthouse in the City...
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