Our first month of content is out in the world and we’re ready for February. We know you’ve been enjoying the new reviews, essays, interviews, podcasts, and comics we’ve already published and, rest assured, more is on the way.
We spent the first month sticking with specific themes: we had a week of “Best of the Decade,” a weeklong book club on THE HARD TOMORROW, a week of horror comics (featuring SOLRAD’s first original published comic from Julia Gfrorer), and a week focused on memoir and autobio. Starting in February, we’ll still be doing themed weeks, but they’ll be less frequent.
Now that we’ve had a full month of content, you’ve had the chance to see what SOLRAD is all about. If you want to continue to see great comics criticism, comics journalism, new comics, and all of the other stuff we are working on, we ask for your support by making a monthly sustaining donation to Fieldmouse Press.
Monthly donations will go a long way to making sure we can keep the lights on and keep paying talented folks for the work they do. If you send money to artists on Patreon, consider doing the same for us – and, as we are a nonprofit organization, your donation is tax-deductible.
- One of the major things we’re working on in February is increasing our contributor count; if everything goes according to plan we will be working with NINE new writers in February. We’re excited to bring you more thoughtful commentary, reviews, and essays this month.
- This Friday we’ll have a new episode of ENEMIES OF THE STATE, featuring CANNONBALL by Kelsey Wroten, published in 2019 by Uncivilized Books. Sara L. Jewell and Jules Bakes join most of the SOLRAD crew to talk about this Millenial künstlerroman… although you could argue that Caroline, the main character, hardly grows at all.
- SOLRAD will have two themed weeks this month. We’ll be starting the second week of February with a focus on comics by European cartoonists. There have been a lot of great comics released over the past two years from publishers like Drawn & Quarterly, Fantagraphics, and Conundrum Press, among others, and if publisher catalogs are to be believed, there’s a lot more coming soon.
- During the third week of February, we’ll be running another week-long book club, this time on Chris Ware’s RUSTY BROWN. Chris Ware hardly needs an introduction, but he is one of the preeminent art cartoonists to come out of the 90s alternative comics movement. RUSTY BROWN is only the first half of a two-part series, but our critics are tackling the work piece-by-piece; each critic will be addressing a single chapter of the book. Comics critic Charles Hatfield and cartoonist Casey Nowak guest star.
- We’ll continue to have extracts and previews of upcoming comics, including a selection this week from LEY LINES #22: CABRA CABRA, Victor Martins’ reaction to the work of Virginia Woolf.
And, in case you missed it above, we would really appreciate your support for SOLRAD. Be our Patrons with a monthly sustaining donation to Fieldmouse Press.