Today we are excited to share an exclusive preview of one of SelfMadeHero‘s new books titled When I Came Out, by Anne Mette Kærulf Lorentzen. When I Came Out is based on the author’s own experiences of sexuality, gender identity, and a life-changing decision during middle-age. After ten years of a seemingly happy marriage, Louise feels that something is missing in her life. Now in her 40s, she realizes that she has been suppressing long-hidden desires since her school days: she has always been attracted to women, and now is the time for her to embrace her true feelings and explore her sexuality.
Anne Mette Kærulf Lorentzen is an architect and LGBTQ+ activist living in Denmark. She is part of the NGO Female Oxygen, which supports women in countries where LGBTQ+ rights are threatened. This is her first graphic novel.