Today we have an excerpt of Eleri Harris’ latest short comic appearing in the latest kuš! anthology – #37 DOWN DOWN UNDER. DOWN DOWN UNDER is co-edited by Michael Fikaris and features alternative comics from Australia, including HTMLflowers, Simon Hanselmann, and Tommi Parrish, among others.
Eleri Mai Harris is a cartoonist, editor and journalist. Her comics have been published online and in print by The Nib, The ABC, The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald, Meanjin, Symbolia, and Taddle Creek. Eleri loves non-fiction comics, particularly focusing on stories from Tasmania. Her Nib comic serial murder mystery, ‘Reported Missing,’ was shortlisted for the 2018 Center for Cartoon Studies & Slate Book Review Cartoonist Studio Prize and won Gold at the 2018 Ledger Awards in Australia.
š! #37 DOWN DOWN UNDER is available for purchase at the kuš! comics website. kuš! comics are also distributed by John Porcellino’s Spit and a Half zine distro, and are carried in a variety of small press stores, independent book shops, and comic shops across the United States and Canada.