Hi Friends.
As you probably know, small press comics publishers and self-publishing cartoonists can only do so much self-promotion (and with the current chaos at Twitter, things are even weirder). They rely on sites like SOLRAD to help spread the word about the amazing works of art they are producing in order to make any sort of money out of the endeavor.
At SOLRAD, we are proud to have a diverse group of smart voices saying intelligent things about the best of these works.
Spreading the word about spectacular small press comics, however, doesn’t pay the bills.
The reality, thanks to …. well … the internet, is that nearly all media, from music to writing to photography to journalism, is now expected to be free. The traditional business model has failed, and the only sustainable one going forward is for readers to support the publications they love and rely on.
Nearly every single media outlet supporting comics that you read is either funded by venture capital, owned by a for-profit publisher, or only offers “exposure” to their contributors (in lieu of pay).
Fieldmouse Press, the publisher of SOLRAD, is a nonprofit organization run by volunteers that has neither the shackles of a sugar daddy nor the handcuffing obligations engendered by soliciting advertising. We do not have to dance around questionable conflicts of interest. We also believe that those who write for us DESERVE TO GET PAID (even if it is just a pittance honorarium – $75 per review)
So wanna help SOLRAD thrive in 2023? Do you want to help us continue to get the word out about wonderful comics? There are a couple of options for you. Please join the SOLRAD Patreon. If every single person who reads this kicked in $3 a month, we’d be able to not only publish three reviews a week, but we could even pay our writers an actual decent rate. Wouldn’t that be wonderful? For now, let’s just see if we can get 100 of you to join.
Another option is to make a one-time donation of any amount you feel comfortable with. Everything helps and we appreciate all of it.
This end of the year is supposed to be the season of giving. Thank you SO much for considering becoming a supporter of SOLRAD. Seriously, thank you.
Now here’s a cute picture of my animal friends:
SOLRAD is made possible by the generous donations of readers like you. Support our Patreon campaign, or make a tax-deductible donation to our publisher, Fieldmouse Press, today.