In 2021, Gnat Micro Press was invited to co-curate a comics show at Gallery 404 in the city of Bremen, Germany which is a twin city to the port city of Haifa in Israel. The exhibition was titled “Escape Plans”. Gnat would build a giant tunnel made of stories between our cities and escape via storytelling. On Gnat’s side of the ocean, they began collecting comics about Haifa, asking cartoonists within the Gnat Micro Press community and their immediate colleagues if they had a story about the city. The response was enormous. The stories have been streaming in for over a year and the two editors and designers managing the project, Roni Nova and Dor Cohen. are continuously cultivating and encouraging new work within their local communities, all of which will eventually be collected in a 3-volume, 500 page+ comic anthology. The volumes are titled: Mountain, Sea, and Heart, referencing the highs and lows of the city’s topography.
Graphic Editor: Dor Cohen
Content Editor: Roni Nova
Today SOLRAD Presents features: RICH BY THIRTY by Dor Cohen

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