Enemies of the State is a book club podcast featuring a rotating cast of comics critics. We’re back this month with a special SPX edition of the show, and this month we’re talking about Francis Bacon with its author E. A. Bethea, published in 2021 by Domino Books. Ostensibly a comic about Francis Bacon, the figurative painter, Francis Bacon drifts around ideas of embodiment and the human condition in an unsure future. It was a pleasure to have Elizabeth on the podcast with us to discuss this multilayered, fascinating book.

Folks on the show this month:
- Alex Hoffman, Publisher of SOLRAD
- (Elizabeth) E.A. Bethea, cartoonist
- Rob Clough, Acquisitions Editor of Fieldmouse Press
- Daniel Elkin, Editor in Chief of SOLRAD
- and Jules Bakes, freelance critic
Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Google Podcasts, and other podcast apps or listen here and at SoundCloud. If you are a comics critic and are interested in joining in on the show, please contact us using the contact form or at publisher@solrad.co. And of course, if you have any feedback, contact us!
The non-video version of this podcast will go up on the regular podpcast feed in approximately one week.
If you would like to help us select the next book to cover on Enemies of the State, join our Patreon! Patrons at the $10 tier and higher get to vote on the next book we cover.
We hope you enjoy the podcast!
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